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Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

Eboostr = Flashdisk pengganti RAM

Bila Ram yg kalian miliki kurang jangan kuatir sekarang uda ada program yg bisa merubah FLASHDISK sebagai Pengganti RAM anda...

download di:

How To Initialize the Product
1. Plug-in your flash drive;
2. Run the "eBoostr : Control Panel" application;
3. Click the Add device button to open the dialog;
4. Select your flash drive from the dropdown list;
5. Select the size of the cache to be allocated (the recommended size is 1GB);
6. Click OK button to close the dialog and enable the selected device.
7. Wait until the cache file will be allocated;
8. Click the Build Cache Now button to initialize the cache and fill it with the needed files;
9. Wait until the process will finish (system status becomes Active.)
10.The product configuration is finished. To test the performance boost you can:

System requirements
1. Microsoft Windows XP, 2000 or 2003;
2. USB 2.0 port version or external card-reader;
3. USB flash drive or flash card with at least 256 MB free space and 2.5 MB/s random read speed.

Selain Flashdisk Kita bisa menggunakan media lain seperti MMC, MicroSD, MiniSD, CF dll.
Selamat Mencoba

NB : Download di WWW.MEDIAFIRE.COM tidak perlu antrian tidak seperti RAPIDSHARE

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